Historically, trials in eviction cases were conducted by the court without a jury. The argument by the “bank” and servicer attorneys was that an eviction is the product of a foreclosure, and the loan documents contained a waiver of jury trial provision which, they argued, applied to an eviction arising out of a foreclosure. As eviction actions are governed by statute and the Colorado statutory framework adopts jury trials in specific situations, the issue came before the Supreme Court of Colorado.
On October 21, 2024, the Colorado Supreme Court issued it opinion in Mercy Housing Management Inc. v. Bermudez, 2024 CO 68, which reversed the County Court’s denial of Bermudez’ request for a jury trial in an eviction (FED) case. The opinion details the history of the right to a jury trial in specific actions including actions seeking possession and recovery of specific real property.
The Housing Group and the County Court took the position that there was a distinction between actions to recover specific real property versus those for possession of real property in terms of whether a jury trial was proper. The CO Supreme Court found no such distinction, and reiterated the right to a jury trial in eviction actions.
Mr. Barnes is currently defending an eviction case in Colorado which was to be scheduled for trial in November of 2024. The case arises out of two CRCP 120(d) challenges to two non-judicial foreclosures filed by Deutsche Bank as Trustee of a 2006 securitized mortgage loan trust. The first matter was decided adverse to the client and is currently the subject of an appeal. Deutsche Bank had removed the client’s CRCP 120(d) challenge to the nonjudicial foreclosure to Federal Court, which was ultimately remanded and appealed after an adverse decision dismissing the client’s CRCP120(d) Complaint which sought to nullify an Order Authorizing Sale entered in the 120 proceeding. While the matter was pending in Federal Court, Deutsche Bank filed a second CRCP 120 nonjudicial foreclosure case notwithstanding that the first 120(d) challenge remained pending..
After remand, Deutsche Bank filed an eviction action and requested that it be set for trial. The client demanded a jury trial, which was done before the Mercy Housing opinion was issued. A pretrial conference was held just days after the opinion issued, and the County Court was presented with the issue of setting a jury trial. Deutsche Bank’s counsel moved to withdraw from the case shortly thereafter and has not had any new counsel enter an appearance in the case.
The County Court Judge has given Deutsche Bank a limited period of time to retain new counsel and enter an appearance, otherwise the eviction case will be dismissed. Meanwhile, the appeal of the first foreclosure decision remains pending, as does the appeal of the second adverse decision, both of which concern the same loan, the same real property, the same borrower, and the same essential legal issues relating to whether Deutsche Bank ever acquired any enforceable interest in the loan. The Colorado Court of Appeals denied the client’s motion to consolidate the two appeals, both of which are in the briefing stage.
Jeff Barnes, Esq. for ForeclosureDefenseNationwide.com